IGEO DX Open Alpha is a GO!

It was a bumpy road - but here she is: Alpha Version 0.1.0!

The game is not in a perfect state but it is ready for some abuse. While the game is free to play - the Open Alpha period is less about play and more about breaking!

So, seriously, thanks a ton if you're checking the game out during this time. You're a trooper and becoming a part of making IGEO DX a polished finished product.

Please read this if you are participating in the Open Alpha!

That guide above is a super short and simple breakdown for helping you find the best way to test the game by submitting bugs and feedback. While you can certainly just play the game - we think you'll get more fulfillment joining in on helping us squash bugs.

What to expect with the Open Alpha

This is a game in active development. It will break. It will do strange things. Having as many people playing it on as many systems as we can is the best way to isolate and find issues. We will be patching the game often, so we recommend using the Itch client to keep up to date.

We could have days where we update the game multiple times if it means fixing game breaking bugs introduced during alpha. Given all this, we ask you be patient. This is game development - it can get dirty!

This Alpha is not feature complete, but 100% of the game's puzzle mechanics are implemented in it with most seeing 2 - 3 levels demonstrating them. The levels in Version 0.1.0 are not overwhelmingly difficult, but designed to test the various mechanics. There are barely any settings to tune the game's performance so your experience will vary (more performance settings coming in Alpha Update #1).

Known Issues in Alpha 0.1.0

IGEO DX is launching with a handful of known and documented issues:

  • Players can push shapes that are already moving on Ice and Sliding tiles, causing them to break from the grid and potentially breaking the level [Windows/Mac]
  • The game will initialize with BGM and Effects Volume to 0% [Not confirmed on Windows but confirmed on Mac]
  • The dropdown for Video Resolution does not initialize to the saved value - but the game window will still set from the saved resolution [Windows/Mac]
  • Occasional hitches on players first move of a level

Nothing too major has come up during our internal testing. No major crashes are known and all levels can be completed.

In the coming weeks there will be updates - some small, some large. Small updates will not be announced in advance. Large updates (big changes, new features, etc.) will be announced in advance. Each patch and update will come with patch notes detailing changes and any known issues.

And with that...



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